Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Use Email Marketing Lists Effectively For The Best Return

By Martha Hayes

There is a big difference between an email of interest and one sent randomly. The former may be personalized or have some words or phrases that resonate with the recipient. The latter often has things that may seem appealing to the average email recipient but there is either too much or too little content that will pique their interest. While email marketing may seem easy, the truth is that marketing lists are only effective when the sender puts a little love in their communication.

Placing a post on a social media account or blog costs nothing but making a small investment always pays off. If a person thinks their image is worth pennies, they will get back nothing in return. Cheap lists are often inaccurate, outdated, and a perfect waste of time. No one who is serious about building a solid following is willing to take this type of gamble for the sake of saving a few dollars.

Every day, internet users are becoming savvier about what is junk mail and what could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Emails that are detailed and welcoming instead of lengthy user testimonials or calls to action in every other paragraph are more likely to be opened. Firstly, including the first name in the greeting helps along with content that says something of relevance.

While some may want to begin with an open ended question or fascinating statistics, getting to the point in the first paragraph will ensure results. When it comes to online users, direct communication goes more of a distance than the tactics used in snail mail marketing. If one were to take notice, they may realize that generic sales letters are rarely used these days.

One good way to build an effective internal mail list is to visit social media accounts. Many profiles can give the viewer great insight as to what a person may really want. Those who work in the gig economy may desire a way to track clients or a parent may seek healthy but affordable snacks for kids. These are factors worth nothing that can be tied to the sender offerings.

For instance, say that an email blast and social media post were sent on a single day, followed by a streaming video or another visual a couple of days later. Most people would post at least one more time on their blog or social media account. By the end of the week, it seems that a lot of attention was given to the video.

When they say variety is the spice of life, this applies to online marketing tools also. The market, in most cases, has become so vast that it makes sense to have at least two methods in action. Create at least two different letters and compare the results using AB testing. If you find that one type of letter or correspondence works with a particular demographic, label and update it as needed.

If this does not work the first time around, keep trying until there is a formula that fits but is not too labor intensive. Some people send out an abundance of emails or daily posts and eventually get a few hits or sales. Pacing contact is the best way to preserve positive relationships and keep a steady revenue flow.

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