Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Finding A Certified DBE Firm Partner Will Not Be Easy But Keep This In Mind

By Angela Snyder

Any partnership begins with the element of trust. Be it a friendship, marriage or even a relationship between mother and child, a bond of mutual respect and trust needs to established before anything else can happen. Therefore, these dynamics also apply in the working world and there are at there clearest when looking for a Certified DBE Firm partner. The business itself could be large or small one but finding someone to call the shots is one constant that will remain.

Picking someone for an executive role in a large corporation is easy. People in suit gather in a room with a long shiny table and they vote. There, done, finished. For the small business owner, however, the process could not be any more different. Finding a suitable candidate for a position of power is a hard one if there haven t been a person in mind to take over the role and even harder when the person ideally suited to the role was stolen by some big corporate company.

By finding an individual who shares the same goal or vision as the person looking, more time is spent on productivity rather than worrying whether or not the person that s been hired wants to help make the dream in mind a reality or sabotage all the hard work that has been put into the business up until that point. It might be a crude analysis of somebody relatively unknown but not all individuals have good intentions.

Do not limit your search to a generalized internet search of possible business partners based on the people in need of a job or in good looking suits on social media. Consider approaching web-based recruitment agencies to help and the groups that you surround yourself with. The latter is especially true if you happen to attend seminars and conferences.

Furthermore, a person can attend conferences and seminars where the advantage of being enclosed in a space with like-minded people might yield a recommendation or a starting point by directing you on who to approach and where to go.

Most people who end up becoming partners in small business organizations are encountered in social settings where they are referred by one person to another as a way of conducting business. It s not exactly blind dating but it comes close. Just in a more formal setting for the conversation to take place.

You re partner s good with numbers, you re good with people. Play to each others strengths and try not to focus on the weaknesses. Mistakes will happen but they should not get in the way of your new working relationship or even an existing one if the new partner is extrapolated from existing employees.

Relinquishing power won t be easy and at times, one might feel threatened by the new parties involved in any decision making process. What is important to remember/keep in mind is the end goal in sight at all times.

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