Monday, April 15, 2019

The Importance Of Soil Resistivity Testing

By Anthony Hall

When it comes to designing and building electrical systems, there is one part in particular that you shoudnt skimp on. We are talking about grounding. However, the earth has various properties of its own, and it wouldnt do to get on the wrong side of it. What do you do, you conduct a soil resistivity testing.

First of all, how do you establish or calculate this. The methods and measuring procedures are actually many. The most common and over utilized one is probably the Wenner method. The first part in the formula can be derived through dividing the ohm centimeters by a hundred so that it will change its unit to ohm meters.

In this procedure, you would need good soil models. It is through that that you can get an accurate basis of testing and develop a good grounding design. When choosing a resistance meter, one should take utmost care and circumspection. That is because the electronics and devices involved are extremely specialized, most especially where signal filtering is concerned.

Aside from the above, other forms of actualities that can invalidate or corrupt the measurement include harmonics and ground currents. There are advanced, high tech tools with efficient control systems that do away with the extraneous noise, and they can automatically select the aptest testing frequency with the least noise so that you can get the clearest possible reading.

You must make good sure to do the testing before you get down to installing your electrode system. Being particular in this step will make you thankful much later on, as you get to save lots of time, resources, and effort. Planning is essential in this enterprise. If the conditions and circumstances are not such as to drastically change the reading, then you may get away with using simple tools and devices. And it all takes just less than an hour.

Soil resistivity is important to gauge. It is an evaluation regarding the soils ability to resist electrical flow. Needless to say, this is critical, and in fact definitive, in system designs that work to vamp up current passages. Therefore, its critical to have an understanding of what contributes to resistivity and how it is influenced by sundry factors, like soil depth and some such.

The applications are also many and sundry. Or instance, the information collated can be used in designing ground systems, electrical substations, lighting conductors, transmission systems, earth electrodes, and the measurement of moisture content. Some of these applications may sound too highfalutin for common use. However, it stands to reason that they are very much useful to the human enterprise, with uses in wiring systems and even agriculture.

This endeavor can be hard because there are lots of factors to toggle and juggle together. We have mentioned composition, temperature, moisture, et cetera, et cetera. And then theres the collation of factors. After all, nothing about this whole enterprise is homogeneous. You might think that you have the properties of soil down pat, but even with the alteration of an iota, the values can be greatly changed already. There is seasonal variability to take into account, plus the water table.

With the slightest discrepancy, the results may wind up as misleading or incorrect. Perhaps the most definitive thing that must be carried out properly, to avoid going back to square one, is on following standard testing guidelines and following data gathering procedures. Many things are at stake. With a good grounding system, you stand to benefit a lot, from personal to corporate productivity, and for personal and communal safety. Nothing should hold you back.

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